
theological ramblings and thoughts that are not of this world!

Location: raytown, missouri, United States

Wednesday, February 28, 2007

summer goal!

ok, so about a week ago i injured my knee, i tore the acl? and had to go to the doctor (kicking and screaming!) at that visit the doc told me of my injury and also said i was fat! (a little nicer than that, but same thing) he said that for my hieght i should be about 163lbs. now when i wieghed i was 272lbs! so here is my goal this summer, by the end of the summer i want to be between 160 and 180. i am changing my eating habits and as soon as my knee heals i will start exercising more. i want you all to keep me accountable to this, i am actually serious about this! so if you have any suggestions (joyce or jonathan collins!) i would be ameable to them. and all the support i can get. thanks and God bless!